We Work Hard To Not Overuse Antibiotics
We educate families on appropriate use of antibiotics, but follow evidence-based guidelines and don’t automatically treat ear pain or a green snotty nose with antibiotics.
We do not routinely prescribe antibiotics over the phone as we do not believe that is good medicine. We will prescribe an antibiotic when we believe it is an appropriate treatment.
Everyone's Time is Equally Valuable
Our practice makes every effort to run on time with appointments, as we believe everyone’s time is equally valuable.
We ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. We understand sometimes things happen beyond your control that may cause you to be late. However, we may ask you to reschedule if you arrive late for your appointment.
Missed Appointments: Broken appointments represent a cost to us, to you, and to other patients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. We reserve the right to charge a fee for canceled or missed appointments. We request 24 hours notice for cancellation of appointments.
Site Disclaimer
Reading Pediatrics, inc - Notice of Privacy Practices
Effective date: September 23, 2013
This notice describes how medical information about you (as a patient of this practice) may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Generally speaking, you or your child’s protected health information is information about your or your child that either identifies you or your child and relates to your or your child’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to you or your child, or payment for health care provided to you or your child. Your or your child’s medical and billing records at our practice are examples of information that usually will be regarded as your protected health information.
Reading Pediatrics is required by law to maintain privacy of your or your child’s protected health information, to provide you with notice of legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your or your child’s protected health care information, and to notify you following a breach of your or your child’s unsecured protected health information.
If you have any questions regarding this notice, you may contact our privacy officer at:
Address: Reading Pediatrics, Inc Attn: Ilenia Harris 40 Berkshire Court, Suite 1 Wyomissing, Pa 19610
Telephone: 610-374-7400 ext 103
Fax: 610-288-1467
I. Uses and disclosures of your protected health information
A. Treatment, payment and health care operations
We may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information for treatment, payment, and health care operation purposes. This section generally describes the types of uses and disclosures that fall into those categories and includes examples of those uses and disclosures. Not every potential use or disclosure for treatment, payment, and health care operations purposes is listed.
1. Treatment
We may use and disclose you or your child’s protected health information to help us with your or your child’s treatment. We may also release your or your child’s protected health information to help other health care providers treat you or your child. Treatment includes the provision, coordination, or management of health care services to you or your child by one or more health care providers. Some examples of treatment uses and disclosures include:
2. Payment
We may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information for our payment purposes, as well as the payment purposes of other health care providers and health plans. Payment uses and disclosures include activities conducted to obtain payment for the care provided to you or your child or so that we can obtain reimbursement for that care. Some examples of payment uses and disclosures include:
3. Health care operations
We may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information for our health care operation purposes as well as certain health care operation purposes of other health care providers and health plans. Some examples of health care operation purposes include:
B. Uses and disclosures for other purposes
We may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information for other purposes. This section generally describes those purposes by category. Each category includes one or more examples. Not every potential use or disclosure in a category will be listed. Some examples fall into more than one category – not just the category under which they are listed.
1. Individuals involved in care or payment of care
We may disclose your or your child’s protected health information to someone involved in your or your child’s care or payment for your or your child’s care, such as a spouse, a family member, or close friend. For example, if you or your child have surgery, we may discuss your or your child’s physical limitations with a family member assisting in your or your child’s post-operative care.
2. Notification purposes
We may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information to notify, or to assist in the notification of, a family member, a personal representative, or another person responsible for your or your child’s care regarding your location, general condition, or death. For example, if you or your child are in the hospitalized, we may notify a family member of the name and address of the hospital and your or your child’s general condition. In addition, we may disclose your or your child’s protected health information to a disaster relief entity, such as the American Red Cross, so that it can notify a family member, a personal representative, or another person involved in your or your child’s care regarding your or your child’s location, general condition, or death.
4. Other public health activities
We may use and disclose protected health information for public health activities, including:
5. Victims of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence
We may use or disclose protected health information for purposes of reporting of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence in addition to child abuse, for example, reports of elder abuse to the Department of Aging or abuse of a nursing home patient to the Department of Welfare.
6. Health oversight activities.
We may use and disclose protected health information for purposes of health oversight activities authorized by law. These activities could include audits, inspections, investigations, licensure actions, and legal proceedings. For example, we may comply with a Drug Enforcement Agency inspection of patient records.
7. Judicial and administrative proceedings
We may use or disclose protected health information disclosures in judicial and administrative proceedings in response to a court order or subpoena, discovery request or other lawful process. For example, we may comply with a court order to testify in a case at which your or your child’s medical condition is at issue.
8. Law enforcement purposes
We may use and disclose protected health information for certain law enforcement purposes including to:
9. Coroners and medical examiners
We may use and disclose protected health information for purposes of providing information to a coroner or medical examiner for the purpose of identifying a deceased patient, determining a cause of death, or facilitating their performance of other duties required by law.
10. Funeral directors
We may use and disclose protected health information for purposes of providing information to funeral directors as necessary to carry out their duties.
11. Organ and tissue donation
For purposes of facilitating organ, eye, and tissue donation and transplantation, we may use and disclose protected health information to entities engaged in the procurement, banking, or transplantation of cadaveric organs, eyes, or tissue.
12. Threat to public safety
We may use and disclose protected health information for purposes involving a threat to public safety, including protection of a third party from harm and identification and apprehension of a criminal. For example, in certain circumstances, we are required by law to disclose information to protect someone from imminent serious harm.
13. Specialized government functions
We may use and disclose protected health information for purposes involving specialized government functions including:
14. Worker’s compensation and similar programs
We may use and disclose protected health information as authorized by and to the extent necessary to comply with laws relating to workers’ compensation or similar programs established by law that provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness without regard to fault. For example, this would include submitting a claim for payment to your or your child’s employer’s workers’ compensation carrier if we treat you for a work injury.
15. Business associates
Our “Business Associates” are entities that provide services to our practice and that require access to protected health information of our patients in order to provide those services. A business associate of our practice may create, receive, maintain, or transmit protected health information while performing a function on our behalf. For example, we may share with a billing company information regarding your or your child’s care so that the company can file health insurance claims and bill you or another responsible party. In addition, we may share protected health information with a business associate who needs this information to provide a service to us. For example, our attorneys may need access to protected information to provide legal services to us. Our business associates may use and disclose your or your child’s protected health information consistent with this notice and as otherwise permitted by law. To protect your and your child’s protected health information, we require business associates to enter into written agreements that they will appropriately safeguard the protected health information they require to provide the services they have agreed to provide.
16. Creation of de-identified information
We may use protected health information about your or your child in the process of de-identifying the information. For example, we may use your or your child’s protected health information in the process of removing those aspects which could indentify you or your child so that the information can be disclosed for research purposes. When your or your child’s information has been de-identified in this way, having had all information removed that could reasonably identify that the information is yours or your child’s, we may disclose this information without your authorization as it is no longer considered protected health information.
17. Incidental disclosures
We may disclose protected health information as by-product of an otherwise permitted use or disclosure. For example, other patients may overhear your or your child’s name being paged in the waiting room.
C. Uses and disclosure with authorization
For all other purposes that do not fall under a category listed under sections I.A. and I.B., we must obtain written authorization to use or disclose your or your child’s health information.
In addition, we are required to obtain your authorization
Your authorization can be revoked at any time. However, we are not able to retract uses and disclosures made with your authorization prior to the effective date of the revocation.
II. Patient Rights
A. Further restrictions on use or disclosure
You have a right to request that we restrict a use and disclosure or your or your child’s protected health information, which we are otherwise permitted to make, for treatment, payment, or health care operations, to someone who is involved in your or your child’s care or payment for your or your child’s care, or for notification purposes.
We are not required to agree to a request for such restriction, with one exception involving self-pay services. We must agree to a request not to disclose your or your child’s protected health information to a health plan for payment or health care operations purposes if the information pertains solely to a health care item or service for which we have been paid in full by you or someone other than the health plan and the disclosure is not otherwise required by law.
To request a further restriction as outlined in this section, you must submit a written request to our privacy officer. The request must tell us: (a) what information you want restricted; (b) how you want the information restricted; and (c) to whom you want the restriction to apply.
B. Confidential communication
You have the right to request that we communicate your or your child’s protected health information to you by a certain means or at a certain location. For example, you might request that we only contact you by mail or at work. We will accommodate requests for confidential communications as long as they are reasonable.
To make a request for confidential communications, you must submit a written request to our privacy officer. The request must tell us how or where you want to be contacted. In addition, if another individual or entity is responsible for payment, the request must explain how payment will be handled.
C. Accounting of disclosures
You have the right to obtain, upon request, an “accounting” of certain disclosures of your or your child’s protected health information. This right is subject to limitations, such as how far back the accounting must cover and the scope of the covered disclosures. In addition, in some circumstances we may charge you for providing the accounting. To request an accounting, you must submit a written request to our privacy officer. The request should designate the applicable time period.
D. Inspection and copying
You have a right to inspect and obtain a copy of your or your child’s protected health information that we maintain in a designated record set. Generally, this includes your or your child’s medical and billing records. This right is subject to limitations. In certain cases, we may deny your request. We also may impose charges for the cost involved in providing copies, such as labor, supplies, and postage, as permitted by law. If your or your child’s records are maintained electronically, you have the right to specify that the records you requested be provided in electronic form. We will accommodate your request for a specific electronic form or format as long as we are able to readily produce a copy in the requested form or format. If we cannot do so, we will work with you to reach agreement on an alternative readable electronic form. If you request a copy or your or your child’s information electronically on a moveable electronic media (such as a CD or USB drive) we may charge you for the cost of that media.
To exercise your right of access to your or your child’s protected health information, you must submit a written request to our privacy officer. The request must: (a) describe the health information to which access is requested; (b) state how you want to access the information, such as inspection, pick-up of copy, mailing of copy; (c) specify any requested form or format, such as paper copy or an electronic means; and (d) include the mailing address, if applicable.
You may also request that your or your child’s protected health information be directly transmitted to another person or entity. To exercise this right, you must submit a request to our privacy officer. The request must; (a) be in writing and signed by you; and (b) clearly identify both the designated person or entity and where the information should be sent.
E. Right to amendment
You have a right to request that we amend protected health information that we maintain about you or your child in a designated record set if the information is incorrect or incomplete. This right is subject to limitations. In certain cases, we may deny your request for an amendment. To request an amendment, you must submit a written request to our privacy officer. The request must specify each change that you want and provide a reason to support each requested change.
F. Copy or privacy notice
You have a right to receive, upon request, a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices. Copies are available in our office reception area, on our website, or by contacting our privacy officer. Requests for special accommodations regarding the notice should be directed to our privacy officer.
G. Notification of breach
You have the right to receive timely written notice of a breach of your unsecured protected health information.
III. Change to this notice
We reserve the right to change this notice at any time. We further reserve the right to make any changes effective for all protected health information that we or our business associates maintain, including information that we or our business associates created or received prior to the effective date of the change.
We will post a copy of our current notice in the waiting room for the practice. At any time, patients may review the current notice by contacting our privacy officer. Patients may also access the current notice at our website at www.readingpediatrics.com.
IV. Complaints
If you believe that we have violated your or your child’s privacy rights, you may submit a complaint to our privacy officer who may be contacted at:
Address: Reading Pediatrics, Inc Attn: Ilenia Harris 40 Berkshire Court, Suite 1 Wyomissing, Pa 19610
Telephone: (610) 374-7400 ext 3103
Fax: (610) 288-1467
You may also submit a complaint to the office of Civil Rights at:
Office of Civil Rights
US Department of Health and Human Services
150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 371
Public Ledger Building
Philadelphia, Pa 19106-9111
You will not be retaliated against in filing a complaint.
V. Legal effect of this notice
This notice is not intended to create contractual or other rights independent of those created in the federal privacy rule.
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Reading Pediatrics
40 Berkshire Court
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Copyright 2024 Reading Pediatrics
Efficiency Through The Use Of Technology
You will be encouraged to consult our website, register for and use our patient portal, and effectively use automated reminders for appointments and for routine care/immunizations that are due.
The Importance of Immunizing Your Child
Reading Pediatrics follows the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This schedule will satisfy all school entry requirements.
Because Reading Pediatrics is committed to quality health care, we believe strongly in the safety, effectiveness, and the importance of these vaccines.
For descriptions of these vaccines and the diseases they protect against, please consult the following charts.
Parents concerned about the safety of these vaccines are strongly encouraged to consult the following web sites:
All routine immunizations administered at Reading Pediatrics are thimerosal-free.
* Please note that this schedule is subject to change when the American Academy of Pediatrics updates its recommendations. We will inform you of these changes as they occur.