Potential Problems from Excessive or Prolonged Bottle Feeding
Excessive bottle feeding can cause problems. It should be considered an important problem if it causes any of the below:
- Sleep problems are the most common unintended consequence. The ability to sleep through the night is delayed. Night wakings for a refill continue far beyond 6 months. Reason: Milk feedings are used to put your baby to sleep. Result: Child does not learn how to self-initiate sleep. Harm to the mother: Sleep-deprivation.
- Refusal to eat any solid foods and over 6 months old. Result: Hard to start after 9 months old. Reason: It's easier to suck than to chew.
- Baby-bottle tooth decay from having milk coating the teeth too often
- Overweight from drinking too much milk (over 32 ounces)
- Speech delays because bottle in mouth
- Older children often strongly resist weaning. Bad habits become harder to break with each passing month. After 2 years of age, taking away the bottle may be a battle.
If your child has any of these problems, read the next section. Follow the tips on how to help your child become a healthier eater. Do this before trying to completely wean your child.
Causes of Bottlefed Weaning Resistance
- Excessive or prolonged bottle feedings
- Excessive bottle feeding means more than 4 times per day after 6 months
- Excessive bottle feeding also means giving the bottle for the wrong reasons
- Delayed bottle feeding means beyond 12 months